Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mr. Rezac's Voice Blog #2

Gabcast! Mr. Rezac's Voice Blog #2


Wesley Fryer said...

Great job on your first Gabcast-created voice post! Putting some of the tools like PollEveryWhere and GabCast to work right away is the best way to get a personal feel for how these tools can be used to support learning. Good luck as you return to the classroom this week and contemplate ways to use them with students, please keep me posted on your progress via twitter! :-) said...

Daniel, this is such a great use of progressive technology! Just wanted you to know that cell phones might also be very useful when trying to contact parents. The Hispanic female is the most frequent user of text messaging. What a great way to keep parents updated on their child's progress. Let me know if you perfect a process for this!
Great work,

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

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